Thursday 14 February 2008

Pop Art

Pop art bermula di England dengan artist Richard Hamilton’s (1922), kolaj yang kecil yang bertajuk Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing ?. Pada tahun 1960, Pop art mula popular United states. Pop art bermaksud “ popular art “ yang diperkenalkan oleh artist muda yang mempunyai kedududkkan dalam hubungan demonasi seni abstrat. Kembali kepada realism oleh persatuan artist muda dalam pergerakkan Pop iaitu Robert Rauschenberg (1925) dan Jasper John (1930), di antara tahun 1955 dan 1960.

Robert Rauschenberg merupakan yang pertama dari Abstrat Expressionism. Dengan gabungan tulen,brushwork dari Abstrat Expressionism dan bahan 3 dimensi untuk disembahkan dalam lukisan Abstrat Expressionismnya. Rauschenberg memperkenalkannya bentuk baru sebagai seni gabungan, tapi artist lain mula merujuk tema pecamtunan (diperkenalkan oleh Marcel Duchamp pada 1950). Pencamtunan protototypical dapat dilihat dadaist “jumpa objek” oleh Marcel Duchamp (see his Bicysle Wheel).

Sculpture Artist - Vera Lightstone

Vera Lightstone started as a potter and evolved into a sculptor, first in clay, then in bronze, and now in silver. Trained as a musician, she came to the visual arts in her thirties, and has been working in clay and teaching sculpture and ceramics ever since.

She currently teaches ceramics at the Crafts Students League and in her loft studio in midtown Manhattan, in New York City.

She discovered silver clay (PMC) eight years ago and took it as a new challenge, as it demands a very different scale.
In method as well as in concept, her work is about motion. She literally throws a slab of clay in the air, controlling its shape and the direction of its landing. Its weight, density and flight give it form.
She will then adjust and assemble the resulting forms into abstract or figurative sculptures.
Her work has been shown extensively in museums, galleries and stores throughout the country.

Barat dan Timur


Ia terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian iatu ;

Menghubungkan satu titik perspektif, untuk kedua – dua pandangan. Garisan depan dilukis dengan skala penuh dan setiap sudut kiri atau kanan ditujukkan satu titik. Ia mempunyai sudut 45 darjah merupakan seni Asia.

Isometric ialah dua titik perspektif dan kedua-dua titik dilukis secara melintang.
Seperti perspektif obligue, kerja isometric tidak mempunyai sudut lindungan. Setiap sudut dilukis secara melintang iaitu 30 darjah dengan kedua-dua kiri atau kanan. Semua objek tiga dimensi menggunakan sistem ukuran sama supaya senang dilukis. System ini dirujuk pada perspektif obligue kerana semua tiga permukaan hilang pada masa yang sama.

Orthografik adalah system mengenali objek dalam spatial tetapi ia biasanya digunakan dalam seni bina dalam menghasilkan lakaran dan skema. Dengan system ini, semua bahagia geometric dilukis dengan garisan lurus dan diukur mengikut skala. Menunjukkan ruang kedalaman kerana ia sama dengan konsep yang digunakan oleh barat.

Linear perspective
Merupakan sistem untuk mengukur jarak dan saiz objek. Merangkumi kadar banding, skala, dan sebagainya. Perspektif dikembangkan pada awal Renaissance iaitu Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446) dan digunakan dalam lukisan oleh Masaccio (1401-28). Garis paduan eye level dipanggil infiniti dimana garisannya melintang.

One-point perspektif
Digunakan apabila artist melihat permukaan rata atau pandangan terus. Permukaan rata dilukis pada gambar dan garisan rata. Dalam sistem ini, seorang pelukis akan melukis garisan melintang bagi menunjukkan eye level.

Two-point perspektif
Banyak digunakan oleh pelukis apabila melihat pada permukaan rata. Ini akan menyebabkan muncul geometric pada garisan sudut atau menunjukan kedudukkan kedalaman pada permukaan rata.

Three-point perspektif
Digunakan bila pelukis melihat objek dari kedudukkan exaggerated pada bawah dan melihat atas. Di rujuk sebagai frog’s-eye view dan bird’s-eye view.

Wire sculpture

From Wikipedia,

Wire sculpture refers to the creation of sculpture or jewellery (sometimes called wire wrap jewellery) out of wire. The medium was experimented with by Alexander Calder.
Because the needed tools are simple, wire sculpture can be learned and performed in home studios by hobby artists.
Some of the tools used include pliers, pin vises, file, wire cutters, and mandrels.
The wire used may be of a variety of decorative metals in different cross-sections. Wire sculpture jewellery may have beads or gemstones integrated into the design.


Three-dimensional art produced especially by forming hard or plastic materials into three-dimensional objects, usually by carving or modeling. The designs may be produced in freestanding objects (i.e., in the round), in relief, or in environments, and a variety of media may be used, including clay, wax, stone, metal, fabric, wood, plaster, rubber, and found objects. Materials may be carved, modeled, molded, cast, wrought, welded, sewn, or assembled and combined. Various forms of sculpture have been found in virtually every culture throughout history. Until the 20th century, sculpture was considered a representational art, but, beginning in the early 1900, nonrepresentational works were increasingly produced. The scope of the term became much wider in the second half of the 20th century. Present-day sculptors use any materials and methods of manufacture that will serve their purposes, and so the art of sculpture can no longer be identified with any special materials or techniques.